This website is an experiment... If someday you see it's gone than I'm sorry.


All thoughts in one place

Cover Image for The Evolution of Web Development: A Decade in Review

The Evolution of Web Development: A Decade in Review

The last decade has been nothing short of revolutionary for web development. As we stand on the precipice of another decade, it's worth looking back at the milestones that have shaped the web as we know it.

Hidden in the leaf
Hidden in the leaf
Cover Image for The Renaissance of Front-end Frameworks: From jQuery to React

The Renaissance of Front-end Frameworks: From jQuery to React

The front-end landscape has seen a dramatic transformation over the past decade. From the days of manipulating the DOM with jQuery to building dynamic single-page applications with React, the journey has been nothing short of remarkable.

Hidden in the leaf
Hidden in the leaf
Cover Image for The Backend Revolution: From Monoliths to Microservices

The Backend Revolution: From Monoliths to Microservices

Backend development has undergone significant changes over the past decade. The shift from monolithic architectures to microservices has redefined how developers think about, design, and deploy applications.

Hidden in the leaf
Hidden in the leaf